Carpentry Shop

This single-storey, cedar log structure was built by museum staff and volunteers in 1972. It is made up of salvaged logs from a small barn found in Derby Township, Grey County. 

The building was moved to Moreston Heritage Village in early 2006, where it was originally interpreted as an 1850s Blacksmith Shop. In the summer of 2022, the shop was converted and is now interpreted as a Carpentry Shop. The spring of 2024 saw Grey Roots volunteers and staff install a wooden floor which beautifully ties the space together. Tour the Carpentry Shop to discover how woodworkers of the past practiced their craft.

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Click on the locations / buildings below to learn about the Heritage Village

The Big Red Shed Blue Water Garage 1920's George Rice Blacksmith Shop 1920's Herb Miller Sawmill 1920's School House 1920's Timber Framed Barn 1920's Farm House 1920's Orange Hall 1886 Log House 1920's Good Cheer Bandstand Outdoor Amphitheatre Carpentry Shop 1853 Log Cabin Moore & Muir Engine Works1897 CN Caboose1925 Arnott General StoreThe Grey Monument

View 3D Model of Moreston Village (30 MB)


3D model created in collaboration with St. Mary's High School


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