
Grey County has a rich industrial history, ranging from grist milling, furniture making, brickyards, potteries, foundries, and more. Unique industrial products include Keenan 'Kaybee Brand' toothpicks, Barber Turbines, Harold E. Cooke cigars, and Circle Bar Hosiery. 

1914 Schoolhouse Candy Container

A charming little item at Grey Roots is turning 100 years old this year.  It is a clear pressed glass rectangular container, with a colourful lithographed tin cover on it.   The faux schoolhouse has “1914” printed on its datestone.  There is an empty little hole at the front t

by Joan Hyslop - Registrar

Mrs. Cowan’s Spinning Wheel

In so many families, my own included, the once-busy and prevalent family spinning wheel ended up relegated to the attic or barn, and eventually disappeared over the years.  There is a photograph at the Grey County Archives that shows one of my ancestors, Mrs.

Joan Hyslop - Registrar